It's sad to know that most of the pet foods nowadays are almost vegan - about 15% animal protein on a generic brand all the way to 50% on a well-known brand. This means that a lot of the pet food in the market right now is mostly made from vegetables - up to 85% of it!
Do you make your own pet food? Or do you ever feed your pet human food/what you have already cooked for your family? This is probably the case for some, especially during these trying times. While it might be okay to do this occasionally, we should keep in mind that our pets literally only get their nutrition from what we feed them.
Picture this - you set a big bowl of goodies for your fur baby and instead of being greeted with joyful munching your pet takes a whiff, stares at it, and walks away, completely ignoring the food in front of him or her. Heartbreaking - we know!
While it might seem the best thing ever for our pets to have their owners hanging around and never leaving, they probably also stopped doing some of the normal things that they used to do since they are in lock down with us. This could be in the form of activities or habits that your pets might be used to do before the pandemic, and this change in lifestyle could also potentially affect their physical and mental state.
Taurine is something that is getting more popular nowadays and you might be wondering why this is so. If pet food in the past already has the “complete essentials” for your pets, why is this “Taurine” getting so much steam? The main reason for this is that it really is and should be part of the essentials for your pets.
Making your cat fit can be one challenging task! For one, cats tend to be very lazy and sometimes, they even have an attitude. A lot of cats are also usually home-based so it is even more important to know how to keep them healthy.
While the term “grain-free” might sound as healthy as “sugar-free” nowadays, is it truly any healthy for your pets? Contrary to the popular and cultural embrace for these grain-free or gluten-free diets in recent years, science has offered little evidence to support this claim.
Puppies, like infants, are often hard to feed and it can definitely be intimidating for anyone new to this situation. Usually, puppies’ stomachs react with a sudden change in diet or environment - their bodies are still very young and sensitive to what they eat.
Ever asked yourself what it means for your pet to have a genuinely healthy meal? Well, you’re not alone. Nowadays, a lot of buzzwords about a meal being ‘healthy’ or ‘organic’ keeps on popping up on everything that can be consumed. Even pet food was not spared from having these words attached to certain labels.
One common way for us cat owners to show our love for our kitties is through feeding them. As the saying goes, the way to a cat’s heart is through their stomach!
Keeping your dog fit and healthy is our responsibility as loving pet owners. While yes, they are very cute and cuddly when they are chubby fluffy, it is not really ideal for any pets to stay overweight
It might seem silly at first since we all know cats love to eat fish, but is it truly good to feed our cats salmon? Simply put, salmon is considered one of the tastiest and healthiest fish one could eat since it is full of vitamins and protein.