Canned Wet Cat Food Versus Dry Cat Food

Canned wet cat food vs. dry cat food

Last Updated August 31, 2020

Ever wondered about the difference between canned wet cat food and bagged dry cat food? Cat-parents from around the globe have different opinions about this but honestly, there only seems to be one answer, at least for us. We’ve actually listed 7 reasons why kibble/dry cat food is bad for cats! But before that, let’s have a short discussion about cats and their nutrition.

Cats are obligate carnivores - meaning their diet should be very similar if they were in the wild. As such, the ideal diet for a cat is made up mainly of protein, fats, and moisture derived from small prey such as rodents, birds, small reptiles and amphibians. This would also mean that cats are not really designed to eat plant-based food and are not meant to be vegan. Cats also need amino acids (Taurine) in order to stay healthy.

With this in mind, it kind of seems like wet cat food is the winner right? Well… wet cat food yes, but not canned wet cat food. Below are the pros and cons of both canned wet cat food and dry cat food.

Kibble/Dry Cat Food Pros:

  1. Dry cat food or kibble is very accessible and easy to store.
  2. Makes “Free Choice Feeding” (just leaving kibble in your cat’s bowl and letting your cat decide when and how much to eat) possible.

Kibble/Dry Cat Food Cons:

  1. Lacks the moisture content that cats need exposing cats to various diseases such as Feline Urologic Syndrome.
  2. Exposes cats to potential dehydration.
  3. Lacks the needed Taurine needed by cats.
  4. Exposes cats to a high-carb diet which could lead to obesity and diabetes.
  5. Kibble is made with low quality ingredients that cats would not naturally eat in the wild, such as low-quality, broken grain.
  6. Kibble has been linked with Fungus and Mycotoxin.
  7. Exposed to unwanted chemicals and preservatives.

Canned Wet Cat Food Pros:

  1. Also quite accessible and easy to store (when unopened).
  2. Has the moisture content that cats need.
  3. Avoids dehydration in cats.
  4. Usually contains more protein than carbohydrates compared to kibble.

Canned Wet Cat Food Cons:

  1. Some low quality canned wet cat food could contain mostly moisture and nothing else.
  2. Free Choice Feeding is not advised as wet cat food can spoil easily with mold.
  3. Once open, canned wet cat food needs to be stored in a refrigerator.
  4. Still exposed to unwanted chemicals and preservatives.
  5. Some canned wet cat food is loaded with Sodium (salt) which could lead to Urinary Tract Infections due to over exposure to too much salt in their diet.

As you can see, just being labelled as “wet cat food” doesn’t always mean it's the right cat food for your cat. But then you might be wondering what exactly do cats need?

BidaBest Cat Food Salmon and Chicken pate

We’ve actually covered that in our article about What Is Healthy for Dogs and Cats, but in general below are the things that you should look for in Cat Food:

  1. Protein
  2. A bit of Fats
  3. Vitamins and Minerals
  4. Moisture

If the pet food includes these as their main ingredients and if it meets and exceeds AAFCO's standards, then that cat food should be good for your cat’s health and well-being


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